Academic progression is how we ensure that you are on track and passing the units you need to graduate. It helps you better understand your progress over the duration of your course and which actions you may need to take to ensure you keep progressing through your course requirements.

The diagram below gives an overview of the Academic Progression statuses.

academic progress chart updated

Figure 1 - Academic Progression statuses

Your academic progression is monitored over the duration of your course, starting from your 2022-unit enrolments. A completion rate will be calculated using the number of units you have successfully completed versus the number of units you have attempted. Your completion rate will determine which Academic Progression status you fall into. Different statuses such as satisfactory, precautionary notification and progression intervention will be indicated by different colours and there will be associated actions to be taken to get back on track if you have or are approaching a low completion rate (50% or less).

StatusColourCompletion RateActions to get back on track
SatisfactoryGreenGreater than 75%No actions needed; you are doing well
Precautionary NotificationLight GreenBetween 62.6 and 74.9%Information about suggested support services will be provided
Progression InterventionAmberBetween 50 and 62.5%Interview with an Academic Chair and an Academic Performance Plan to follow
UnsatisfactoryRedBetween 20 and 49.9%Transfer to another suitable course or accept suspension for a semester or trimester depending on your course
Not permitted to re-enrolPurpleLess than 20%Not able to re-enrol in the same course for 1 year. Need to re-apply for admission into same or another course. Genuine Student (GS) check to be performed again.
2 or more failed units in first 4 attempted unitsEarly InterventionNotification to meet with a Student Success Advisor and information about support services
One or more failed units in first 8 attempted unitsOther Early InterventionNotification about support services available and accessibility to Student Success Advisors


The Student Progression Policy and Procedure contain more information.

Frequently asked questions

The academic progression process impacts ALL students. However, the consequences of not performing satisfactorily will be different for domestic and international students in certain cases.

This academic progression model was introduced in line with the Job-Ready Graduates (JRG) requirements. In 2023 students accessing a Commonwealth Supported Place and/or HELP loans, were required to maintain a completion rate of 50% or more to maintain their access. This requirement was removed on 01 January 2024. 

Students are still monitored via a Completion rate for Academic Progression however falling below 50% no longer impacts a student's access to Commonwealth Assistance.

Refer to the table below to see how the different grades and withdrawal outcomes count towards the calculation of the completion rate:

GradeDescriptionCount as an attempted unit?Unsuccessfully completed?Successfully completed?
W0Withdrawal before censusNN/aN/a
WDWithdrawal after census date but before the ‘First date for withdrawal with fail recorded’ dateYYN
WD-Fail i.e., NWithdrawal after the ‘First date for withdrawal with fail recorded’ dateYYN
AWApproved Withdrawal.
Withdrawal after census but before the 'First date for withdrawal with fail recorded' date, OR successful grade review.* from 2023 onwards
ASAcademic Safety Net fail gradeYYN
N, UFFail, Ungraded Fail. YYN
DNSFail: Did not submit assessmentYYN
P, C, D, HD
Pass, Credit, Distinction, High Distinction, Academic Safety Net Distinction, Academic Safety Net Credit, Academic Safety Net Pass, Ungraded PassYNY
RPLCross institutional or official Study Abroad/Exchange units used for credit in your course. YNY
UWUniversity Withdrawal.
University initiated withdrawal due to disciplinary proceedings, or failure to make a payment.*
G, NA, NS, Q, SA, SX, DX, GP, FCRInterim GradesNN/aN/a
1, 2A, 2B, 3, H, H1, H2A, H2B, H3Honours classificationsYNY
Advanced Standing (Credit)Any advanced standing credit achieved from 2022 onwards, this includes General and Specified Electives registered as credited units. YNY

*AW & UW grades where fee remission has been awarded do not count as an attempted unit for Academic Progression Completion Rate or Job Ready Graduate Completion Rate calculations. 

Completion Rate = (Number of successfully completed units/Total number of units attempted) x 100


  1. Student A has 8 units attempted, out of which there are 6 units passed and 2 failed.
    Completion rate = (6/8) x 100 = 75%
  2. Student B has passed 3 units, withdrawn from 2 units after census and failed 4 units.
    Completion rate = {3/ (3+2+4)} x 100 = 33.3%
  3. Student C has passed 6 units, withdrawn from 3 before the census date and failed 4 units.
    Completion rate = {6/ (6+4)} x 100 = 60%

Case scenarios on how completion rate changes over the course duration:

Scenario 1

PeriodAttempted UnitsSuccessfully completed unitsUnsuccessfully completed unitsJRG Completion Rate
S1 Year 121150
S2 Year 131240
S1 Year 222057
S2 Year 210150
S1 Year 333063
S2 Year 332164
S1 Year 431259

Scenario 2

PeriodAttempted UnitsSuccessfully completed unitsUnsuccessfully completed unitsJRG Completion Rate
S1 Year 1220100
S2 Year 1312 (Fail 1 Withdrawal after census 1)60
S1 Year 2202 (Withdrawal after census 2)43
Student voluntarily transfers to another course
S1 Year 1110100
S2 Year 132175
S1 Year 242263
S2 Year 231255

Scenario 3

PeriodAttempted UnitsSuccessfully completed unitsUnsuccessfully completed unitsJRG Completion Rate
S1 Year 132167
S2 Year 1202 (Withdrawal after census 2)40
Summer School Year 222057
S1 Year 211063
S2 Year 233073
S1 Year 321169
S2 Year 332169
Yes, units where you withdraw after census (including withdrawals without academic penalty) count towards the completion rate calculation.
Academic Safety Net protects you against fail grades only (N and DNS) and it will end at the end of 2022. While the fails are not counted towards your GPA, they are counted towards the calculation of the completion rate.
When we receive your results at the end of each teaching period, your progression in your course will be monitored and your completion rate recalculated. We will contact you to provide advice and referral to support services if you are approaching a low completion rate. You should regularly check your student email, so you do not miss out on any important notifications.

We do offer a range of support services to assist you in your studies. You can:

Your completion rate is updated daily and will change after academic milestones such as the release of results, application of advanced standing and approved retrospective withdrawals, or after if you withdraw from a unit after the census date.

Your completion rate is published in the student portal under MyInfo > Notices
It will look something like this:

Academic Progress: You have passed 66.67% of your 3 attempted units in B1367

If you are in multiple courses, you will see a completion rate notice for each course

Not performing satisfactorily could have consequences on your enrolment and thus on your student visa conditions. If you have been awarded a scholarship, your eligibility may be impacted.

If you continue to not meet satisfactory progress after an academic performance plan has been implemented, Murdoch University may ultimately suspend, exclude and report you to Government. Please see Standard 8 of the National Code.

If you appeal this decision, you will be permitted to remain enrolled during the appeal period. However, if you choose not to appeal, or the appeal resolution is in favour of Murdoch’s decision, Murdoch is required to report you to the Department of Home Affairs for failing to make satisfactory academic progress.

If the appeal resolution is successful for you, you must be put on a mandatory academic performance plan. Your enrolment will then be reviewed at the end of the appropriate study period to monitor  Education Services for Overseas Students (ESOS) Act compliance with satisfactory course progression.

If you fall into the Progression Intervention category (Amber), you are required to meet with your Academic Chair. The  Academic Performance Plan is a record of the discussion and action items agreed between you and the Academic Chair. You will be required to follow the recommendations in that document. You can access the APP form here. This form is designed to help you identify areas that are affecting your study, and develop a plan to get you back on track.
Your completion rate will only be calculated for units which you have undertaken as from 1st Jan 2022. Your previous units will not be taken into consideration.

If you choose to transfer courses, this is considered a “new commencement” and any failed units from the previous course are not counted towards your completion rate for the new course. Your GPA will be reset. You can transfer a maximum of 2 times and you will be checked for GTE prior to course transfer.

Advanced Standing for any relevant units of study undertaken from 1st January 2022 onwards will also be counted towards your completion rate in your new course as a successfully completed unit.

As of 2023 a third attempt at the same unit can no longer be approved by their Academic Chair, instead the Head of College or delegate must approve the final attempt.

As of 01 Jan 2023, fourth attempt approvals will no longer be permitted. If you were approved for a third attempt before 01/01/2023 (signed form), you will have the opportunity to apply for a fourth attempt as a legacy student. Enrolments and Progress will be assessing each student’s eligibility to apply for a fourth attempt exception before being passed on to the Head of College.

If a final attempt at the same unit (third or fourth) is failed or denied you cannot remain in your course or any course which requires that unit.

Get advice

You can get specific advice regarding your enrolment during Orientation Week.

If you can’t attend your orientation session, you can seek help from myMurdoch Advice student success advisors, or by contacting your academic chair.

Transnational students

If you’re studying at our Singapore or Dubai campuses, your enrolment is managed by your local partner institution.

Contact the program management team at your local partner institution for details.