Murdoch University partners with Chung Wah Association to ring in Year of the Ox
New treatments for Duchenne muscular dystrophy
Murdoch University announces Year 12 Early Offer Scheme
Do I still need to get a COVID vaccine if I’ve had coronavirus?
An adaptable mindset: HR’s role in creating the future workforce
What’s it like to study Forensic Biology and Toxicology?
New insights into the multi-organ effects of COVID-19
Murdoch University setting new directions for business education
Hats off to Murdoch’s newest graduates
What can you do with a psychology degree?
Murdoch University announcement
Choosing to challenge this International Women’s Day
Why study humanities and social sciences at Murdoch?
Do you have what it takes for a career in animation?
5 tips for becoming an international aid or development worker
What’s it like to study a double degree in criminology and forensics?
Navigating our way in a COVID-19 world
Grisly find a reminder of the problem of illegal fish traps
National grant to support global collaboration
Funding secured to develop new drug discoveries
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