Each year we celebrate the outstanding academic achievement of our students through presenting awards and prizes. Thanks to our generous donors, you could be recognised for your academic success.

For enquiries related to your prize or student transcripts, contact us: prizes@murdoch.edu.au.

Prize Name Condition Discipline Donor Name
Family Law Practitioners' Association of Western Australia Prize in Social and Welfare Law Best academic achievement in 'Social and Welfare Law' Law & Criminology Family Law Practitioners' Association of WA
Lavan Prize in Wandju Boodja (Welcome to Country) Under Graduate Best academic performance in 'Wandju Boodja (Welcome to Country)' Indigenous Knowledges Lavan
Lavan Prize in Indigenous Community Development Best academic achievement in 'Indigenous Community Development' Indigenous Knowledges Lavan
AIMS Prize in Laboratory Medicine Best academic performance in the Bachelor of Laboratory Medicine by a graduating student Medical, Molecular & Forensic Sciences Australian Institute of Medical and Clinical Scientists (AIMS)
AIMS WIL Performance Prize in Laboratory Medicine Best work integrated learning performance in 'Laboratory Medicine Practice 1' and 'Laboratory Medicine Practice 2' by a student graduating in the Bachelor of Laboratory Medicine. Medical, Molecular & Forensic Sciences Australian Institute of Medical and Clinical Scientists (AIMS)
Lavan Prize in Wandju Boodja (Welcome to Country) Post Graduate best academic achievement in 'Wandju Boodja (Welcome to Country)' Indigenous Knowledges Lavan
Lavan Prize in Hot Topics in Indigenous Australia Best academic achievement in 'Hot Topics in Indigenous Australia' Indigenous Knowledges Lavan
CVE Clinical Competency Award Best fifth-year clinical proficiency across a variety of species Veterinary Medicine The University of Sydney Centre for Veterinary Education
Lavan Prize in Two-Way Science Best academic performance in 'Two-Way Science' Indigenous Knowledges Lavan
Family Law Practitioners' Association of Western Australia Prize in Family Law Clinic Best academic achievement in 'Family Law Clinic' Law & Criminology Family Law Practitioners' Association of WA
Irene Searcy Prize in Literature Best academic performance in an essay, in a 200 or 300 level unit, in either of the two majors, English and Creative Writing or Theatre and Drama. Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences Professor Jennifer Searcy OAM
School of Education Prize for Best Performance in Master of Education (Coursework) by a Graduating Student Best Master of Education (Coursework) Education School of Education
Best Poster Best poster at the annual Environmental & Conservation Sciences Postgraduate Day Environmental & Conservation Sciences School of Environmental & Conservation Sciences
Engineering Prize Best grade point average in an undergraduate degree in Engineering by a graduating student Engineering & Energy School of Engineering & Energy
Award in Environmental Management and Sustainability Best grade point average in the major, by a graduating student Environmental & Conservation Sciences School of Environmental & Conservation Sciences
Triangle Engineering Emergency Clinical Rotation Prize Best practical achievement in core and elective clinical rotations in 'Small Animal Practice 2' Veterinary Medicine Triangle Engineering Consultants
Cocks Macnish Shipping Law Award Best academic performance in 'Shipping Law' Law & Criminology Cocks Macnish
Best Poster - Student Choice Award Best poster, as voted by students, at the annual Environmental & Conservation Sciences Postgraduate Day Environmental & Conservation Sciences School of Environmental & Conservation Sciences
Higher Degree by Research Impact Prize - Exercise Science Recognising a Higher Degree by Research student in Exercise Science whose research has either demonstrated or shown the potential to demonstrate significant research impact. Allied Health School of Allied Health
Ann Osborn Memorial Prize in Molecular Biology Best academic performance by a student graduating with Honours in Molecular Biology Medical, Molecular & Forensic Sciences The Osborn Family
Highest Academic Achievement in Introduction to Criminology Highest academic achievement in Introduction to Criminology Law & Criminology School of Law & Criminology
Award in Animal Health Best weighted average mark in the Animal Health major, by a graduating student Agricultural Sciences School of Agricultural Sciences
Godfrey T. Barrett-Lennard Peer Award Presented to a Counselling student who has made the most outstanding contribution as a positive role model in interactions with peers, staff and the community Allied Health School of Allied Health
Award in Marine Science Best grade point average in the major, by a graduating student Environmental & Conservation Sciences School of Environmental & Conservation Sciences
ACHPER WA Award Best academic performance in the Bachelor of Education (Primary, 1-10 Health and Physical Education) by a graduating student. Education Australian Council for Health, Physical Education & Recreation Western Australia (ACHPER WA)
West Australian Pork Industry Award for Excellence in Animal Welfare Best porcine review in 'Welfare and Clinical Practice' Veterinary Medicine Western Australia Pork Producers' Association
Nicholas Searcy Prize in Physics Best academic performance in 'Principles of Physics' Mathematics, Statistics, Chemistry & Physics Professor Jennifer Searcy OAM
Jim Ellis Prize for Best Information Technology Graduate Best academic performance by a student graduating with an Information Technology major Information Technology Jim Ellis OAM
Tucker Family Prize for Best Achievement in Healthy Human Body Best academic achievement (highest GPA) in Nursing Science Nursing Tucker Family
Shining Star Dux Award Best academic performance in Bachelor of Science and Doctor of Veterinary Medicine by a final year student Veterinary Medicine School of Veterinary Medicine
Jonathan Searcy Prize in Introduction to Chemistry Best academic performance in the Open Universities Australia Unit SCI18 'Fundamentals of Chemistry' Mathematics, Statistics, Chemistry & Physics Professor Jennifer Searcy OAM
Mathematics and Statistics Staff Prize Best academic performance in Mathematics Part II units by a student graduating in Mathematics and Statistics Mathematics, Statistics, Chemistry & Physics Mathematics and Statistics Staff
Award in Forensic Biology and Toxicology Best grade point average in the major, by a graduating student Medical, Molecular & Forensic Sciences School of Medical, Molecular & Forensic Sciences
The Deborah Tilbury Prize for Outstanding Client Communication and Devotion to Animal Care Best academic performance in the summative assessments that comprise the Communications Skills Curriculum within the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Medicine Raymond Tilbury Family Trust
Amanda Young Leadership Prize Best combination of leadership, academic performance and potential for contribution to the environment demonstrated by a graduating student Environmental & Conservation Sciences The Amanda Young Foundation
Patricia Searcy Prize in Chemistry Best academic performance in Semester 1 of 'Fundamentals of Chemistry' Mathematics, Statistics, Chemistry & Physics Professor Jennifer Searcy OAM
Award in Conservation and Wildlife Biology Best grade point average in the major, by a graduating student Environmental & Conservation Sciences School of Environmental & Conservation Sciences
PACFA - Outstanding Graduate Award Presented to students who graduate from a PACFA accreditated counselling and/or psychotherapy program and have demonstrated exemplary academic and professional practice performance Allied Health Psychotherapy and Counselling Federation of Australia
Stan Jones Memorial Prize in Clinical Pathology Fifth-year student demonstrating initiative, interest and commitment to clinical pathology activities both in the School and externally Veterinary Medicine Dr Sue Beetson
Highest Academic Achievement in Criminal Behaviour Highest academic achievement in Criminal Behaviour Law & Criminology School of Law & Criminology
Award in Genetics and Molecular Biology Best grade point average in the major, by a graduating student Medical, Molecular & Forensic Sciences School of Medical, Molecular & Forensic Sciences
Bernard J McSherry Prize in Veterinary Clinical Pathology High achievement in 'Systemic Pathology and Medicine' and the clinical pathology rotation in fifth year Veterinary Medicine Family and Friends of Bernard J McSherry
School of Education Prize for Best Academic Performance in Bachelor of Education Primary Teaching by a Graduating Student Best academic performance Education School of Education
Introduction to Psychological Research Methods Prize Best academic performance in 'Introduction to Psychological Research Methods' Psychology School of Psychology
Tom Edwards Award for Animal Welfare Science Best performance in welfare science review in 'Welfare and Clinical Practice' Veterinary Medicine Dr Tom Edwards Prize Fund
Marine and Freshwater Research Laboratory Prize in Oceanography Best academic performance in 'Oceanography and Marine Pollution' Environmental & Conservation Sciences Marine & Freshwater Research Laboratory
The Rieko Ishikawa Award The best academic performance in 'Postgraduate Semester in Japan 1' or 'Postgraduate Semester in Japan 2' Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences Australia-Japan Society of WA Inc
Highest Academic Achievement in Technology, Crime and Justice Highest academic achievement in Technology, Crime and Justice Law & Criminology School of Law & Criminology
Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry Prize in Third Year Japanese Language Best academic achievement in 'Japanese 6', 'Japanese 7' and 'Japanese 8' Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry
Kemp Kissane Prize in Mathematics Education Outstanding academic performance in Mathematics Education Education Kemp Kissane Prize Fund
Philip Searcy Prize in Chemistry Best academic performance in Semester 2 of 'Foundations of Chemistry' by a Chemistry student Mathematics, Statistics, Chemistry & Physics Professor Jennifer Searcy OAM
Best Presentation Best presentation at the annual Environmental & Conservation Sciences Postgraduate Day Environmental & Conservation Sciences School of Environmental & Conservation Sciences
Marilyn Alder Award for Clinical Proficiency Best fifth year clinical proficiency across a variety of species Veterinary Medicine Mr Richard Alder
CPA Australia Prize in First Year Accounting Best academic performance in first year undergraduate Accounting units Business CPA Australia
Chiropractic Australia 5th Year Dux Award Awarded to the student with the highest mean score calculated as a weighted average mark (WAM), averaged across the final year of the program. Allied Health Chiropractic Australia
Energy & Resources Law Association Prize in Resources Law Best essay in 'Mining and Natural Resources Law' Law & Criminology Energy & Resources Law Association
RSPCA WA Animal Welfare Science Award Best non-domestic animal welfare review in 'Welfare and Clinical Practice' Veterinary Medicine RSPCA
May Holman Prize in Politics Highest academic achievement by a female student enrolled in an undergraduate politics major OR Honours in Politics, in the School of Business and Governance Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences Dr Janice Dudley and supporters of the May Holman Prize Fund
Best Publication by a Higher Degree by Research Candidate In the School of Education Highest quality publication by a Higher Degree by Research student in the School of Education Education School of Education
Australian Chiropractors Association - Graduate of the Year Award Outstanding performance in leadership and academic and clinical excellence in 'Clinical Practicum' Allied Health Australian Chiropractors Association
Graduate Counselling Perseverance Award The student who best demonstrates perseverance and dedication to study Allied Health School of Allied Health
Jim Avraamides Memorial Prize Best performing student in 'Hydrometallurgy' Mathematics, Statistics, Chemistry & Physics Dr Jim Avraamides
Murdoch Singapore-Institute of Public Relations Singapore Student Chapter Leaders Programme Best career development initiatives for student-industry engagement at Singapore campus in Public Relations or Communications by PR, Comms and New Media, Web Comms or Journalism students.career development initiatives for student-industry engagement at Singapore campus in Public Relations or Communications by PR, Comms and New Media, Web Comms or Journalism students. MNZ School of Media & Communications
Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology Prize The two highest academic achieving students in 'Biochemistry' and 'Molecular Biology' calculated using weighted average mark (WAM) Medical, Molecular & Forensic Sciences Australian Society for Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Leo Cussen Prize for Law in the Community Best academic achievement in 'Community Legal Education (Street Law)' Law & Criminology Leo Cussen Centre for Law
WSA and JE Gordon Memorial Prize Best academic performance in second, third and fourth year in Veterinary Biology/Applied Veterinary Medicine (BSc/DVM) Veterinary Medicine Family and Friends of WSA and JE Gordon
Ronald Wilson Prize in Law The graduate who best combines distinguished academic performance in Law units with qualities of character, leadership and all-round contribution to the life of Murdoch University Law & Criminology Ronald Wilson Prize Fund
Barbara Buick Women's Electoral Lobby Prize Best academic performance in 'Gender and Development in Asian Societies' Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences Women's Electoral Lobby
School of Education Prize for Best Academic Performance in Bachelor of Education Early Childhood and Primary Teaching by a Graduating Student Best academic performance Education School of Education
Governance Institute of Australia Prize in Company Law Best academic performance in 'Company Law' Law & Criminology Governance Institute of Australia
Australian Society for Parasitology Prize in Parasitology Best aggregate mark in 'Parasitology: People, Pets and Wildlife' Medical, Molecular & Forensic Sciences Australian Society for Parasitology
Royal Australian Chemical Institute WA Student Prize Best academic performance in the Chemistry major by a graduating student Mathematics, Statistics, Chemistry & Physics Royal Australian Chemical Institute
AVet Health Prize in Veterinary Pharmacology Best performance in Veterinary Pharmacology in the 3rd year and in veterinary therapeutics in rotations Veterinary Medicine AVet Health Pty Ltd
Kulbardi K-Track Commitment Prize Kulbardi student who has successfully completed the program, who displays commitment to studies and involvement within the Kulbardi Centre community Kulbardi Aboriginal Centre Kulbardi Aboriginal Centre
Marian Kemp Memorial Prize in Mathematics Highest overall mark in a level 1 maths unit after entering Murdoch University via an enabling program Mathematics, Statistics, Chemistry & Physics Marian Kemp Memorial Prize Fund
Walter and Marie Tauss Prize in Statistical Data Analysis Best academic performance in 'Statistical Data Analysis' Mathematics, Statistics, Chemistry & Physics Professor Jennifer Searcy OAM
WA Naturalists' Club Serventy Memorial Prize Best performance in the practical component of 'Australian Biodiversity' Environmental & Conservation Sciences WA Naturalists' Club
Suvo Strategic Minerals Outstanding Design & Innovation Project Award H Cohort Presented to the H cohort student team in 'Design Project' whose design poster, final report and presentation are of a high calibre design and innovation relevant to industry. Secondly, the project is focused on low carbon construction materials and climate friendly technology Engineering & Energy Suvo Strategic Minerals
Sue Dilley Memorial Award Highest overall mark in 'Introduction to Livestock Science and Genetics' Agricultural Sciences Family and Friends of Sue Dilley
Herbert Smith Freehills Prize in Contract Law Best academic performance in 'Contract Law' Law & Criminology Herbert Smith Freehills
Clayton Utz Prize in Property Law The best overall academic performance in 'Property Law A' and 'Property Law B' Law & Criminology Clayton Utz
Charles and Elaine Schug Memorial Prize in Wildlife Medicine A student who demonstrates academic ability and an outstanding commitment to the field of wildlife medicine Veterinary Medicine An Anonymous Donor
Australian Chiropractors Association - Academic Excellence Award The best academic performance in the Bachelor of Clinical Chiropractic by a graduating student Allied Health Australian Chiropractors Association
Adamson Prize in Equine Medicine and Surgery Greatest proficiency in 'Advanced Topics in Equine Practice' Veterinary Medicine The Adamson Family
May Trust Undergraduate Gender Studies Prize Best academic performance in 'Sex and Gender Matters' Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences The May Trust
The CAVE Award for Small Animal Practice The student with the greatest aptitude for small animal practice Veterinary Medicine Murdoch University Centre for Advanced Veterinary Education
Dr Richard Carden Pearson QHP Memorial Prize in Environmental Science Greatest academic improvement by graduate student in a Bachelor of Science majoring in Environmental Science Environmental & Conservation Sciences Judy Davies
SBM Legal Prize in Evidence Best academic achievement in 'Evidence' Law & Criminology Dr Steve Shaw
Outstanding Achievement in First Year Engineering Best academic achievement in first year Engineering Engineering & Energy School of Engineering & Energy
Highest Academic Achievement in Criminology Research Methods Highest academic achievement in Criminology Research Methods Law & Criminology School of Law & Criminology
AVA (Australian Veterinary Association) Student Award Academic achievement in the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine and participation in student affairs by an AVA student member Veterinary Medicine Australian Veterinary Association
Family Law Practitioners' Association of Western Australia Prize in Family Law Best academic achievement in 'Family Law' Law & Criminology Family Law Practitioners' Association of Western Australia
Foundation Pathologists Prize Best academic performance in 'Processes in Animal Disease', 'Systemic Pathology and Medicine' and fifth year anatomical pathology rotations combined Veterinary Medicine Colleagues and Friends of Murdoch's Foundation Pathologists
McMurray's Chorkerup Prize The best DVM research project focused on an ovine and/or bovine topic Veterinary Medicine Chris and Pauline Norton
Terry Jones Memorial Prize in Philosophy The best performance in academic excellence and critical insight in either 'Ethics through Film and Literature', 'The Fall of Democracies: Authoritarianism and Populism' or 'Environmental Justice' Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences Mr Malcolm Bradley
Gilbert + Tobin Prize in Reimagining Law: Technology and the Future of Law Best academic performance in 'Reimagining Law: Technology and the Future of Law' Law & Criminology Gilbert + Tobin
Best Interdisciplinary Presentation or Poster Best interdisciplinary presentation or poster presented at the annual Environmental & Conservation Sciences Postgraduate Day Environmental & Conservation Sciences School of Environmental & Conservation Sciences
Award in Environmental Science Best grade point average in the major, by a graduating student Environmental & Conservation Sciences School of Environmental & Conservation Sciences
King & Wood Mallesons Prize in Civil Procedure Best academic performance in 'Civil Procedure' Law & Criminology King & Wood Mallesons
Chiropractic Australia Clinical Leadership Award Awarded to a student who has demonstrated leadership while completing their internship and supported their peers while fostering a collaborative approach to clinical work. Allied Health Chiropractic Australia
Cornerstone Legal Prize in Ethics Best academic achievement in 'Ethics and Professional Responsibility' Law & Criminology Cornerstone Legal
Australian Insurance Law Association Prize for Insurance Law Best academic performance in 'Insurance Law' Law & Criminology Australian Insurance Law Association
Murfett Legal Prize in Alternative Dispute Resolution Best academic performance in 'Alternative Dispute Resolution' Law & Criminology Murfett Legal
Worley Marine Science Award The best essay by an undergraduate student in Marine Science Environmental & Conservation Sciences Worley
Nursing Prize for the Best First Year Student Best academic achievement (highest GPA) across the first year Bachelor of Nursing course Nursing School of Nursing
Award in Biomedical Science Best grade point average in the major, by a graduating student Medical, Molecular & Forensic Sciences School of Medical, Molecular & Forensic Sciences
Geoff and Lyn Field Prize in Australian Studies Best Honours dissertation or postgraduate studies on an Australian topic Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences Geoff & Lyn Field
Milne Agrigroup Prize in Animal Nutrition Best academic performance in 'Veterinary Nutrition and Animal Toxicology' Agricultural Sciences Milne Agrigroup
Don G. Nickels Communication and Leadership Prize Professionalism, communication skills and leadership qualities indicating future success, as nominated by practising veterinarians and demonstrated during Extramural Clinical Placements. Veterinary Medicine Cottesloe Vet and the Friends of Dr Nickels
Nursing Prize for the Best Second Year Student Best academic achievement (highest GPA) across the second year Bachelor of Nursing course Nursing School of Nursing
Ronald Searcy Prize in Mathematical Methods Best academic performance in 'Mathematical Methods and Multivariable Calculus' Mathematics, Statistics, Chemistry & Physics Professor Jennifer Searcy OAM
School of Education Prize for Best Academic Performance in Bachelor of Education Secondary Teaching by a Graduating Student Best academic performance Education School of Education
Nicholas Searcy Prize in Principles of Physics Best academic performance in the Open Universities Australia Unit SC119 'Principles of Physics' Mathematics, Statistics, Chemistry & Physics Professor Jennifer Searcy OAM
Eldon Prize in Equity Best academic performance in 'Equity' Law & Criminology Mr Matthew Howard SC
Nursing Prize for the Best Postgraduate Student Best academic achievement (highest GPA) in a postgraduate course Nursing School of Nursing
Graduate Certificate Prize in Energy Studies Best academic performance in the Graduate Certificate in Energy Studies Engineering & Energy Energy Studies Staff Prize Fund
Vanessa Searcy Prize in Chemistry Best academic performance in Semester 2 of 'Fundamentals of Chemistry' Mathematics, Statistics, Chemistry & Physics Professor Jennifer Searcy OAM
Chiropractic Australia Overall Dux Award Awarded to the student with the highest mean score calculated as a weighted average mark (WAM), averaged across the entire 5 years of the program. Allied Health Chiropractic Australia
Tucker Family Prize for the Best First Year Student Best academic achievement (highest GPA) across the first year Bachelor of Nursing course Nursing Tucker Family
Dean's Prize for Service to the School of Veterinary Medicine Most outstanding contribution to the life of the School of Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Medicine School of Veterinary Medicine
Indonesian Language Studies Prize Best academic performance in Indonesian language studies Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences An Anonymous Donor
Introduction to Cultural Psychology Prize Best performance in 'Introduction to Cultural Psychology' Psychology School of Psychology
Outstanding Achievement in Second Year Engineering Best academic performance in second year Engineering Engineering & Energy School of Engineering & Energy
Emrys Grimley Memorial Prize in Biological Sciences Best academic performance in 'Cell Biology' and 'Environmental Biology', completed in the same year Environmental & Conservation Sciences Family and Friends of Emrys Grimley
Criminal Lawyers Association of WA Prize Best academic performance in 'Criminal Law and Procedure' Law & Criminology Criminal Lawyers Association of WA
Business and Professional Women's Prize Best academic performance in a postgraduate degree to a student identifying as a woman or whose studies relate to women Business Business and Professional Women WA
Award in Clinical Laboratory Science Best grade point average in the major, by a graduating student Medical, Molecular & Forensic Sciences School of Medical, Molecular & Forensic Sciences
Thelma Harley Brown Prize in Education Best academic performance in the Master of Education (Research) by a graduating student Education Mr Peter Brown
Mony de Kerloy Prize in Environmental Law Best academic performance in 'Climate Change, Sustainability and Environmental Law' Law & Criminology Mony de Kerloy Barristers & Solicitors
Chartered Accountants Australia New Zealand Prize Best academic performance in the Accounting major by a graduating student Business Chartered Accountants Australia & New Zealand
Livestock Welfare Prize Best livestock review in 'Animal Behaviour and Welfare' Veterinary Medicine School of Veterinary Medicine
Outstanding Achievement in Third Year Engineering Best academic performance in third year Engineering Engineering & Energy School of Engineering & Energy
Walter and Marie Tauss Prize in Calculus and Matrix Algebra Best academic performance in the Open Universities Australia Unit MAS130 'Calculus and Matrix Algebra' Mathematics, Statistics, Chemistry & Physics Professor Jennifer Searcy OAM
Asian Studies Prize Best academic performance in Asian Studies Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences An Anonymous Donor
Murdoch Veterinary Students Association (MVSA) Service Award A 5th year veterinary student who has made the most enduring impact on student life Veterinary Medicine Murdoch Veterinary Students Association
Chamber of Commerce and Industry Prize in First Year Economics Best academic performance in first year Economics Business Chamber of Commerce and Industry of WA
K-Track iHealth Award An indigenous student who has successfully completed K-Track and shown commitment and/or high achievement in the unit 'iHealth' Kulbardi Aboriginal Centre Kulbardi Aboriginal Centre
CS and DL Sanders Prize in Education Best academic performance in the Bachelor of Education by a graduating student Education Established in perpetuity by the late Professor C.S. Sanders
BMT Prize Best field report in 'Marine Ecology' Environmental & Conservation Sciences BMT Commercial Australia Pty Ltd
Squire Patton Boggs Prize in Corporations Law For academic excellence in 'Corporations Law' Law & Criminology Squire Patton Boggs
Australian Society for Parasitology Prize in Veterinary Parasitology Best aggregate mark in 'Principles of Infectious Disease II - Veterinary Parasitology' Veterinary Medicine Australian Society for Parasitology
The DVM Academic Prize Best academic performance in the fourth and fifth years of the Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Medicine School of Veterinary Medicine
Award in Animal Science Best weighted average mark in the Animal Science major, by a graduating student Agricultural Sciences School of Agricultural Sciences
RK O'Connor QC Prize in Taxation Best academic performance in the undergraduate unit 'Taxation' Business Mr Robert K. O'Connor QC
CPA Australia Master of Professional Accounting Award Best academic performance in the Master of Professional Accounting by a graduating student Business CPA Australia
Award in Laboratory Medicine Best grade point average in the major, by a graduating student Medical, Molecular & Forensic Sciences School of Medical, Molecular & Forensic Sciences
Unusual Pet Vets Prize Final year student who has shown outstanding interest and commitment in the field of exotic pet medicine and surgery Veterinary Medicine The Unusual Pet Vets
The Australian Sociological Association (TASA) Prize in Sociology The best honours thesis in Sociology or on a topic demonstrating a solid sociological perspective Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences The Australian Sociological Association
Sustainable Innovative Food Technology (SIFT) Prize in Food Science and Nutrition Best grade point average in the course, by a graduating student Medical, Molecular & Forensic Sciences School of Medical, Molecular & Forensic Sciences
David Muir Prize in Extractive Metallurgy Best academic performance in 'Engineering Honours Thesis' by a student in Chemical and Metallurgical Engineering Engineering & Energy Established in perpetuity by the late Professor David Muir
ANZCVSc Diana Pinch Memorial Epidemiology Award Best academic performance in Epidemiology in Doctor of Veterinary Medicine Veterinary Medicine Australian and NZL College of Veterinary Scientists (Epidemiology Chapter)
Worley Environmental Science Award The best essay by an undergraduate student in Environmental Sciences. Environmental & Conservation Sciences Worley
John and Bella Perry Prize in Commerce Best academic performance in any year of study in undergraduate Commerce, for a student residing in the Peel region Business John and Bella Perry
Psychology High Achievement Award (Singapore or Dubai) Best academic performance in a Bachelor of Arts (Psychology) by a student studying in Singapore or Dubai Psychology School of Psychology
Nicholas Searcy Prize in the Quantum Realm Best academic performance in 'The Quantum Realm' Mathematics, Statistics, Chemistry & Physics Professor Jennifer Searcy OAM
School of Education Prize for Best Academic Performance in Master of Teaching Primary or Secondary by a Graduating Student Best academic performance Education School of Education
Australian Psychological Society Prize Best academic performance in the final year of Bachelor of Psychology, Honours in Psychology or Graduate Diploma in Psychology Psychology Australian Psychological Society
Award in Crop and Pasture Science Best weighted average mark in the Crop and Pasture Science major, by a graduating student Agricultural Sciences School of Agricultural Sciences
Ronald Searcy Prize in Calculus and Matrix Algebra Best academic performance in 'Calculus and Matrix Algebra' Mathematics, Statistics, Chemistry & Physics Professor Jennifer Searcy OAM
Highest Academic Achievement in Policing and Crime Highest academic achievement in Policing and Crime Law & Criminology School of Law & Criminology
Runner-up Psychology Postgraduate Research Prize Runner-up publication by a postgraduate student in Psychology Psychology School of Psychology
Highest Academic Achievement in Culture Diversity and Crime Highest academic achievement in Culture Diversity and Crime Law & Criminology School of Law & Criminology
Equine Veterinarians Australia Zoonoses Prize Best academic performance in Zoonoses in 'One Health' Veterinary Medicine Equine Veterinarians Australia WA
Most Promising First Year Psychology Student (Singapore or Dubai) Best academic performance in the three Year 1 Psychology units offered in Singapore or Dubai Psychology School of Psychology
Michael Booth Sustainable Development Undergraduate Prize Best grade point average in Sustainable Development by a graduating student Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences Family and Friends of Michael Booth
Rosslyn Tilbury Prize in Forensic Toxicology Best aggregate mark in 'Forensic Toxicology' Medical, Molecular & Forensic Sciences Raymond Tilbury Family Trust
Nicholas Searcy Prize in Applied Mathematics Best academic performance in 'Introductory Calculus with Applications' Mathematics, Statistics, Chemistry & Physics Professor Jennifer Searcy OAM
Jennifer Searcy Prize in Physics Best academic achievement in 'General Physics' Mathematics, Statistics, Chemistry & Physics Professor Jennifer Searcy OAM
The Michael O. Curri Memorial Prize in Conservation Medicine Academic ability and outstanding commitment to the field of Conservation Medicine by a graduate student Veterinary Medicine An Anonymous Donor
Herbert Smith Freehills Prize in Constitutional Law Best academic performance in 'Constitutional Law' Law & Criminology Herbert Smith Freehills
Engineering Prize for Master of Engineering Practice Best grade point average in the Master of Engineering Practice by a graduating student Engineering & Energy School of Engineering & Energy
Award in Marine Biology Best grade point average in the major, by a graduating student Environmental & Conservation Sciences School of Environmental & Conservation Sciences
Nicholas Searcy Prize in Time and Space Best academic performance in 'Transitioning Through Time and Space' Mathematics, Statistics, Chemistry & Physics Professor Jennifer Searcy OAM
Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) Prize Best academic performance in 'Engineering Honours Thesis' by a graduating student majoring in Industrial Control and Automation Engineering or Electrical and Renewable Energy Engineering Engineering & Energy Institution of Engineering & Technology (IET)
Richard Lee-Gray Memorial Prize The student who has demonstrated greatest potential for success as a rural practitioner Veterinary Medicine Family and Friends of Richard Lee-Gray
Jonathan Searcy Prize in Physics Best academic performance in the Open Universities Australia Unit 'General Physics' Mathematics, Statistics, Chemistry & Physics Professor Jennifer Searcy OAM
Susan Moore Prize in Nature-Based Tourism Best academic achievement in 'Nature-based Tourism' Environmental & Conservation Sciences Murdoch University, the Parks and Wildlife Service and supporters of the Susan Moore Prize Fund
Jim and Pam McGregor Bovine Award Best academic achievement in the 4th year unit 'Bovine Health and Management' and the production animal component of the 5th year unit 'Production Animal, Public Health and Pathology' Veterinary Medicine Jim and Pam McGregor
Best Psychology Postgraduate Research Prize Top publication by a postgraduate student in Psychology Psychology School of Psychology
Kerry Searcy Prize in Chemistry Best academic performance in Semester 1 of 'Foundations of Chemistry' by a Chemistry student Mathematics, Statistics, Chemistry & Physics Professor Jennifer Searcy OAM
The Justin Gibbs Memorial Prize Most outstanding contribution in the 'Human Rights Law Clinic' Law & Criminology Fragomen Australia
Amanda Young Study Award Greatest academic improvement from 'Foundations of the Environment' to 'Ecology' Environmental & Conservation Sciences The Amanda Young Foundation
Michael Booth Sustainable Development Graduate Prize Most outstanding performance in Honours or Master of Sustainable Development Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences Family and Friends of Michael Booth
RSTC Gordon Smith Memorial Award Semester 2 A student residing in the City of Rockingham or City of Kwinana who has successfully completed the OnTrack Flex program in Semester 1 OED RSTC Gordon Smith Memorial Fund
Dr Daniel Berinson Engineering Prize Best grade point average in Industrial Control and Automation Engineering third and fourth year units. Engineering & Energy Diana Phang
Leo Cussen Prize for Skills for Legal Practice Best academic achievement in Skills for Legal Practice Law & Criminology Leo Cussen Centre for Law
Anthropological Society of Western Australia (ASWA) Prize Best academic performance in Anthropology units in the School of Humanities, Arts and Social Sciences Humanities, Arts & Social Sciences Anthropological Society of Western Australia
RSTC Gordon Smith Memorial Award Semester 1 A student residing in the City of Rockingham or City of Kwinana who has successfully completed the OnTrack Flex program in Semester 2 of the previous academic year OED RSTC Gordon Smith Memorial Fund
Nicholas Searcy Prize in Analytical Chemistry Best academic performance in 'Chemical Analysis' Mathematics, Statistics, Chemistry & Physics Professor Jennifer Searcy OAM
Award in Agricultural Science Best weighted average mark in the Bachelor of Agricultural Science, by a graduating student Agricultural Sciences School of Agricultural Sciences
Nursing Prize for the Best Graduating International Student Best academic achievement (highest GPA) across the Bachelor of Nursing course by a graduating international student Nursing School of Nursing
Award in Biological Sciences Best grade point average in the major, by a graduating student Environmental & Conservation Sciences School of Environmental & Conservation Sciences
Higher Degree by Research Publication Prize - Exercise Science Best publication by a Higher Degree by Research student in Exercise Science Allied Health School of Allied Health
Best Presentation Student Choice Award Best presentation, as voted by students, at the annual Environmental & Conservation Sciences Postgraduate Day Environmental & Conservation Sciences School of Environmental & Conservation Sciences
Occasional Prize in Engineering Most outstanding performance in studies towards the Bachelor of Engineering Honours Engineering & Energy School of Engineering & Energy
Peter Caffin Prize for IT Professional Practice Best academic achievement in 'IT Professional Practice' Information Technology Peter Caffin
Energy Studies Prize for Master of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Best academic performance in the Master of Renewable and Sustainable Energy Engineering & Energy School of Engineering & Energy
Sarah Meddin Memorial Prize in Legal Theory Best academic performance in 'Legal Theory and Research' Law & Criminology Sarah Meddin Prize Fund
Francis Burt Chambers Law Medal Highest academic achievement in Law Law & Criminology Francis Burt Chambers
Suvo Strategic Minerals Outstanding Design & Innovation Project Award Semester 2 Presented to the semester 2 student team in 'Design Project' whose design poster, final report and presentation are of a high calibre design and innovation relevant to industry. Secondly, the project is focused on low carbon construction materials and climate friendly technology. Engineering & Energy Suvo Strategic Minerals
School of Education Prize for Best Performance in Doctor of Education (EdD) or Doctor of Philosophy (PhD) by a Graduating Student Best doctoral dissertation Education School of Education
Equine Veterinary Association (EVA) Prize Best academic performance , participation, interest and commitment to equine activities both in the School and externally Veterinary Medicine Australian Equine Veterinary Association
Wildflower Society of WA (Murdoch Branch) Prize Best academic performance in 'Plant Evolution, Radiation and Adaptation' Environmental & Conservation Sciences Wildflower Society of WA, Murdoch Branch
Australian Small Animal Veterinarians (ASAV) Award for Clinical Proficiency Best performance in the units 'Small Animal Practice', 'Small Animal Practice 1' and 'Small Animal Practice 2' Veterinary Medicine Australian Small Animal Veterinary Association
Andrea Fernandes Memorial Prize in Psychology Best aggregate score in fourth year coursework by a student graduating in Psychology Honours or Graduate Diploma in Psychology Psychology School of Psychology
Cornerstone Legal Prize in Administrative Law Best academic achievement in 'Australian Administrative Law' Law & Criminology Cornerstone Legal
Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society Prize Best research report in 'Atmospheric and Climate Science' Environmental & Conservation Sciences Australian Meteorological and Oceanographic Society (AMOS)
Tesla Medal The best academic performance in the Bachelor of Engineering Honours in Electrical and Renewable Energy Engineering by a graduating student Engineering & Energy Tesla Forum of WA Inc
Introductory Psychology Prize Best academic performance in 'Introduction to Psychological Science' Psychology School of Psychology