As an Online Scheduled or Online Flexible mode student, your postal address determines where you will sit your exams. If you are enrolled in Face-to-Face or Mixed mode, you must sit your exam at the campus where you are enrolled as off-campus exams will not be permitted.

Postal address Exam location
Less than 100km from campus where you are enrolled On campus where you are enrolled. Check the exam timetable for details
More than 100km from campus where you are enrolled Exam centre*
More than 100km from Australian exam centre or more than 300km from overseas exam centre Nominated supervisor*

* If you prefer to sit your exam on campus, you need to apply to the Exams Office at least 10 University business days prior to the start of the exam period.

Check in MyInfo > Profile to make sure your postal address is up-to-date.

If you do not live at your postal address, contact the Exams Office before the end of Week 12 for normal semester exams, or at least 10 University business days prior to the start of the exam period for all other exam periods.

Requests received after the deadline will not be accepted. Additionally, requests to change the location of your exam(s) to accommodate travel plans will not be considered.

Nominating a supervisor

If there isn’t an established exam centre near you, you will need to nominate a supervisor. Complete a Supervisor Nomination Form and return it to the Exams Office by post or email. Forms must be received before the end of Week 12 for normal semester exams, or at least 10 University business days before the start of the exam period. Forms received after the deadline will not be accepted.

Your nominated supervisor should be an independent professional preferably from one of the following organisations:

If your nominated supervisor requires payment for their services, they must provide:

  • Bank account details with either a blank deposit slip, statement header or similar bank letter,
  • A valid public & professional liability insurance certificate,
  • A valid workers compensation insurance certificate, and
  • For Australian entities, a current ABN.

Payments can only be made to business entities upon receipt of a business invoice. Payments to an individual  will not be permitted.  

To assist with Murdoch University’s efforts to combat modern slavery risk, if your nominated supervisor has a Modern Slavery statement, they can include it with the completed form or they may wish to complete a Murdoch University Modern Slavery Questionnaire.  

Receiving exam notification

If you are identified as sitting exams off-campus, you will receive a personalised Notice of Off-Campus Exams email during Week 9 or 10 of the semester.

The email will include:

  • location and details of your allocated exam centre
  • date and time of your exam
  • important instructions regarding your attendance at the exam centre.

Check your junk mail folder if you do not receive the email by Week 11 and contact the Exams Office if you still have not received the email.

General exam enquiries

Contact Student Central

Campus location 330.2.021

Call us Australia:
1300 6873 624

Call us International:
+61 8 9360 6000

Call us Mandurah campus:
+61 8 9582 5501

Contact us online MyAnswers

Complex exam enquiries

Call us +61 8 9360 2544

Email us

You can also visit Student Central for further assistance.